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Heart Lab

Whether you want to learn about the condition of your heart or you need immediate treatment for a particular Heart problem, we can help. We have gained experience and expertise in different types of Heart Diseases

Come to us if you need the help of an experienced Cardiologist; we are your partners in keeping your body healthy.

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Case Presentation: Rare case of severe Valvular PS presented with severe cyanosis dilated with unique technique. TCT, San Fancisco, 2011.


Case Presentation: First-in-world case of transradial abdominal aorta stenting. TCT, Washington, 2010.


Primary PTCA. [Co-author]. Presented at Annual CSI Conference, 1999.


Years of Experience


Transradial route (interventional Procedures)


Transradial PCI and stenting cases


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There are various types of heart disease in general population like congenital heart disease e.g. some structural defect in heart by birth commonly known as hole in heart. Rheumatic heart disease usually occurs in young adult commonly known as valvular heart disease. Coronary artery disease is most common in general population. There is narrowing of coronary arteries due to deposition of bad cholesterol. This leads to Angina or Acute myocardial infarction.

Most common risk factors for coronary artery disease are diabetes, smoking, Hypertension Obesity dyslipidemia, age, sedentary life style and stress. In clinical practice diabetes is common risk factor after 50 yrs of age. Smoking is most dreadful risk factor in younger people.

Ans. Commonly asked question what should I do if I am having chest pain? As a rule all chest pains are not cardiac but you rule out cardiac first and then think of after causes. Any severe chest pain associated with sweating or breathlessness you must consult a qualified doctor immediately preferably a nearby hospital having facility of ECG. Chest pain not so intense atypical types here and there you can consult your family doctor
and plan for further evaluation.

Doctor I don’t want angiography- a common apprehension in general public. Now a days angiography is usually done through radial route (hand site) under local anaesthesia. Another important thing that
Angiography is a diagnostic procedure and after that doctor decides that what are the treatment options available.

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